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Join 3,000+ People Who've Lost Weight and Transformed their Health with the "4 Step-LEAP Method" 

Discover an Easy Way to Ditch Junk Foods and Adopt Healthier Eating Habits Instead...

PLUS Get 200 Low Carb, High Protein Recipes

I mean, let me ask you...

How'd you like to enjoy…

Moroccan Cod and Bulgar Salad or succulent Baked Salmon with Noodles and Quinoa for lunch… 

Every recipe is 100% free of refined sugar.

You also get meal plans and shopping lists.

And it gets even better...

Because the "4-Step Leap Method" is scientifically PROVEN to work.

The way it works is based on Harvard research into the benefits of low carb diets... 

And how to make dietary and lifestyle changes easy to implement yet effective, and without calorie counting or extreme exercise.

My "4-Step LEAP Method" Guides You In How to Balance Your Blood Sugar While Delighting Your Taste Buds... Trimming Your Waist... and Safeguarding Your Health…

My "4-Step LEAP Method" eBook and 2 x cookbooks are for anyone who wants to improve their health without super restrictive dieting.

As after implementing my "4-Step LEAP Method" you'll be able to ditch ultra processed foods, fast foods, and starchy carbs...

And adopt a low carb, high protein way of eating... 

Which will trim your waist, boost your energy, and transform your health!

All of the recipes are quick and easy to prepare - most in 20 minutes in less.

They don't involve any advanced kitchen skills…

And you can find all the ingredients at any good grocery store. 

I’ve also included shopping lists and meal plans for you to follow...

But you’re free to pick and choose recipes as you please...

Safe in the knowledge that with every bite you're getting your blood sugar and health on track.

My "4-Step LEAP Method" Makes Balancing Your Blood Sugar So Easy, ANYONE Can Do It To Improve Their Health…

While Also Losing Weight And Boosting Their Energy…

No matter what your kitchen skill level…

Whether you think you’re cursed with “bad blood sugar genes”...

Or whatever state your weight or health is in right now...

My '4-Step LEAP Method" can help you reach your weight and health goals without depriving yourself of delicious foods.

And without counting calories or starving yourself thin…

Or forcing yourself through gruelling hours of exercise you'll soon dread.

So you see, I'm not just offering you a set of cookbooks... 

I'm offering you a lifeline… a torch in the darkness… a path towards a healthier, happier YOU!

PLUS you get...

Daily Email Support and Guidance So Your New Healthy Eating Habits STICK!

Making lasting changes to your diet can be hard.

It can be confusing knowing what to cook and when…

And I know how easy it is to slip into old habits.

But I want to do EVERYTHING I can to help you on your path.

So when you pickup a copy of my "4-Step LEAP Method" eBook and  printed cookbooks…

You also get my support and guidance every step of the way.

I'll be emailing you daily tips on how to improve your blood sugar and health.... along with bonus recipes and extra cookbooks.

You can reply to any of my emails to get personal support and guidance whenever you need it.

So if you:

Want 100 delicious recipes that take 20 minutes or less to prepare and help balance your blood sugar…

50 Nutritious And Easy As Pie to Prepare Low Carb Recipes

Inside this cookbook, you'll find 50 recipes thoughtfully selected to bring a burst of flavor to your plate while keeping your health in check.

Start your day off with the protein-packed Egg, Broccoli, and Ham Muffins, a perfect breakfast to kickstart your metabolism. 

For lunch, how about a refreshing Cucumber Avocado and Chicken Salad that's as nutritious as it is appetizing? 

While my Jerk Chicken with Cauliflower Rice offers a guilt-free taste of the Caribbean.

Just take a closer look at some of the delicious recipes inside:

50 High Protein Meals That’ll Fuel You With Energy, Crush Cravings, And Slim Your Body

Protein is vital for energy, burning calories, and feeling fuller for longer. 

Inside my high protein recipe book, you'll find 50 mouth watering, healthy, easy-to-prepare high protein recipes.

With every bite, remember this: You're not just enjoying a delightful meal - you're taking a step towards a healthier body and better quality of life. 

A life where blood sugar doesn't dictate your day...

Instead, you won't even have to think about it!

Key to Implementing All the Recipes and Transforming Your Health is My "4-Step LEAP Method" eBook!

This book gives you a life-changing approach to escaping the sugar loaded, highly processed foods that are making us fat, overweight and sick... 

And to embrace a high protein, low carb diet instead!

This book is also an empowering guide that gives you the tools and knowledge to take control of your health and balance your blood sugar...

While also losing pounds of fat faster than you may have ever thought possible!

Here's some of the life changing information it contains:

Just follow the advice in this book, and within a few months you can look forward to slipping into a slimmer fitting dress or polo shirt, and feeling GREAT about how you look…

While having more energy for playing tennis, going cycling or scuba diving in the Caribbean.

And oh, just imagine indulging in platefuls of delicious food without a second thought…

Knowing you're protecting your heart, your brain, your kidneys and every organ in your body from the ravages of sugar with every bite.

Soon you can feel energetic, healthy...

And ready to live life on your terms. 

And remember, I’ll be there to support you every step of the way… 

Emailing you daily and replying to any questions you have.

Vastly reducing how much sugar I ate worked wonders for me.

And I want to do everything in my power to ensure it works wonders for you too!

Your future can be bright, full of energy, and the joy that comes from being in control of your health. 

Transform Your Health and Life in 2024 with the 

"4-Step LEAP Method"!

FREE Digital Bonus #2:

20 x Healthy Fast Food Recipes

Enjoy the flavors of fast food while supporting your health goals. 

Each recipe recreates classic dishes using wholesome, nutrient-dense ingredients, so you can indulge without compromising your well-being.

By swapping high-calorie, unhealthy ingredients for lighter, nutritious alternatives...

These recipes help you reduce calorie intake, stabilize blood sugar, and provide essential nutrients. 

Plus, with quick and easy preparation, you can stick to your healthy eating plan even on the busiest of days.

FREE Digital Bonus #3:

20 x One Pan Recipes

These one-pan recipes minimize cleanup, making them perfect for busy weeknights or soothing, rejuvenating meals any day of the week.

From classic favorites like Chicken and Vegetable Stir-Fry to flavorful options such as Pork and Kimchi Fried Cauliflower Rice and Shrimp and Zoodle Scampi...

This cookbook offers a wide variety of quick and easy-to-prepare dishes that will delight your taste buds and nourish your body. 

So if you’re looking for quick and easy meals that will help stabilize your blood sugar, help you lose weight, and boost your health...

You’ll find lots of delicious options in this one pan cookbook.

Here’s a rundown of what you’ll get when you order today:

4-Step LEAP Method eBook...

50 x Low Carb Fat Burning Recipes

50 x High Protein Recipes

20 Fat Burning Snacks Recipes

20 x Healthy Fast Food Recipes

20 x One Pan Recipes

20 x Slow Cooker Recipes

20 x Soups and Broth Recipes

That's a HUGE 100 recipes for easy to prepare dishes...

Packed with nutrition that will help balance your blood sugar, lose weight, and transform your health.

And you can try all of them totally risk free!

100% “Enjoy Healthy, Balanced Blood Sugar Or Get Your Money Back” Guarantee

– And Still KEEP Your Cookbooks And Bonuses!

I’m so confident my "4-Step LEAP Method", cookbooks and bonuses will transform your health and life…

That I’m willing to supply them 100% risk free.

Because to sweeten the deal (pun intended!)...

I’m supplying them with a 180 day “Enjoy Healthy, Balanced Blood Sugar and a Slimmer Waist Or Your Money Back” guarantee.

What this means is that for 180 days you’re free to follow the advice in my "4 Step LEAP Method guide"...

Try out all the recipes...

And if my "4-Step LEAP Method" doesn’t provide you with healthy, balanced blood sugar… a slimmer waist and more energy...

Or you don't find the recipes delicious and nourishing…

Or you just decide you want your money back...

All you need to do is reply to any of my emails with your order number and your purchase will be refunded in full

What matters to me is that you at least give my "4-Step LEAP Method"  a try...

And if it doesn't transform your health and quality of life you can get your money back and we can part as friends.

So what do you say?

Are you ready to give my "4-Step LEAP Method" a try?

Are you ready to discover how it’s possible to enjoy delicious, nutritious meals that are low in sugar and will transform your blood sugar, waistline, and health?

After all, you’ve got nothing to lose except for your worries, frustration and risk of declining health...

While you have the chance to enjoy safe, stable blood sugar…

The chance to lose pounds of weight, week after week…

And to have more energy for playing sports, gardening and getting more out of every day…

While enjoying the peace of mind knowing you've taken steps to protect your health, vitality, and quality of life.

None of these things have to be a pipedream.

They'e all now within your grasp.

Remember, You're Upgrade is Protected with a 180 Day Money Back Guarantee. 

And you can keep the eBook versions even after I've refunded your money.

You risk nothing, so why not give my "4-Step LEAP Method" a try?

Let’s recap:

Today, you’re getting…

✔ 4-Step LEAP Method eBook...

✔ 50 x Low Carb Fat Burning Recipes

✔ 50 x High Protein Recipes

✔ 20 Fat Burning Snacks Recipes

✔ 20 x Healthy Fast Food Recipes

✔ 20 x One Pan Recipes

✔ 20 x Slow Cooker Recipes

✔ 20 x Soups and Broth Recipes

All for just $27.

Just Follow the Steps, Prepare the Recipes... and Watch Your Blood Sugar, Weight, and Health all Improve!

Investing in my "4-Step LEAP Method" is a drop in the ocean when you consider what improving your health, happiness and quality of life can mean to you.

And remember, I’ll be supporting you every step of the way... answering your questions, cheering you on, and helping you to succeed.

I’m so looking forward to hearing how you've balanced your blood sugar to a safe, stable level and kept it there…

And to hear how much more energetic, healthy and slim you've become!

To balancing your blood sugar the safe, natural "4-Step LEAP Method" way,


Disclaimer - Content, images and assets on this site may not be reproduced, transmitted, cached, distributed, or otherwise used, without the prior written consent of Healthy Foods Made Easy. This site does not provide any professional medical advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Our Terms of Service limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The FTC requires that we identify what a "typical" result is. Typically people never do anything with products and information that they buy, so in most cases they won't get any results. The statements and photos you see on our site are examples of individuals that took action in changing their lifestyle, and the results are not typical. 

The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither Healthy Foods Made Easy nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe Healthy Foods Made Easy's sale of this product as an endorsement by Healthy Foods Made Easy of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

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Copyright 2024 – Healthy Foods Made Easy – All Rights Reserved

Are looking to lose weight without the misery of dieting or grueling hours of exercise…

Would love an easy to follow method for getting blood sugar under control...

Would like support and guidance to make your transition to a high protein, low carb diet a success…

Then allow me to share what's included in the "4-Step LEAP Method", starting with my…

  • The best times to eat and when to eat snacks to satisfy your sweet tooth while avoiding blood sugar fluctuations.
  • How to include the right amount of carbs, protein, fat and fiber to keep blood sugar stable and prevent spikes or crashes.
  • 30 second technique for calming stress along with other science backed stress relieving hacks
  • Understanding the glycemic index and foods that are delightfully sweet yet surprisingly low on the index
  • Top 10 best supplements for managing blood sugar naturally
  • A step-by-step process for combining the cookbooks with proven mindset and lifestyle hacks - so you achieve balanced blood sugar in as little as 60 days.
  • A 30 second snack that helps rapidly manage blood sugar levels when feek shaky or dizzy, sweating and craving sweet foods.
  • Why you can eat the same foods every day but STILL struggle with fluctuating blood sugar
  • The 6 best types of "easy" exercise for managing blood sugar levels, so they don't go too low or too high.
  • How to have a flexible approach so you can stay on track whenever there are slip ups
  • Mindset hacks for staying motivated throughout the 30 days so you achieve your health goals
  • How to balance your own dietary needs with those of your family so everyone gets to eat meals they enjoy
  • How to incorporate occasional treats without strapping yourself into the blood sugar rollercoaster
  • BONUS - Recipe for a Kashmiri blood sugar balancing tea that's delightfully refreshing and AMAZING at balancing your blood sugar!

How'd you like a fast, easy way to support healthy blood sugar... a slimmer belly... and vibrant health?

And without calorie counting, going cold turkey on your favorite foods, or miserable hours on a treadmill?

Well, then allow me to introduce...

The "4-Step LEAP Method" for Becoming a Happier, Healthier YOU!

After every failed dieting attempt, I'd be back to square one...

Feeling tired and miserable again.

Believe me, I know how frustrating making diet changes can be! 

I know how hard it is to stick to "health foods" that leave you feeling hungry all day...

Over 4 easily doable steps you're guided in how to:

Prepare tasty nutrient dense meals in 20 minutes or less

Eliminate starchy carbs, ultra processed foods, and fast foods from your plate

Include gentle "movement" into your day

Lose your sugar cravings in 2 weeks

Overcome the hurdles that stopped you before

Develop a positive mindset for making healthier eating habits STICK!

Thanks to the "4 Step LEAP Method"...

Improving my diet stopped being a daily battle against cravings and hunger...

And instead an uplifting journey of seeing and feeling my energy, health, and quality of life all IMPROVE!

And only lead to you rebelling and being right back where you started. 

Well, that 's what led to me developing my "4-Step LEAP Method"! 

And let me tell you, it's been life changing for me!

With the "4-Step LEAP Method" there's:

X No complicated calorie counting

X No super restrictive dieting

X No feeling hungry and deprived

X No miserable hours of exercise

X No sugar spikes and energy crashes  


It's about making a gradual shift away from processed foods, takeaways, and sugary snacks... 

And towards delicious, nutritious meals that keep you feeling full and satisfied.

The "4-Step LEAP Method" proved so life transforming for me I HAD to share it with more people 

My "4-Step LEAP Method" has now helped thousands of people to succeed where diets, food restrictions, and bootcamps failed... 

As it provides a pathway for making changes to your diet and lifestyle flexible, gradual, and SUSTAINABLE.

The "4-Step LEAP Method" program comes with 150 delicious, nutritious recipes you can prepare in 20 minutes or less.

My name is Glenda.

I tried everything to lose weight: Calorie counting, keto, vegan, paleo, cutting out desserts... you name it. 

But nothing I tried worked for long. 

All diets did was leave me feeling hungry, deprived, and miserable...

And only a stressful day away from binging on all the foods I missed. 

And for dinner you can choose from dishes like Tangy-sweet Honey and Lime Glazed Chicken with Pineapple Rice… 

Or how about hearty One Pot Turkey Chili?

This is a digital eBook sent by email

This is a digital eBook sent by email

Your order is protected by a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not 100% satisfied simply return the cookbooks to get your money refunded within 180 days - and still keep the eBook versions and bonuses.

Please check your email inbox for the eBook versions of the "4-Step LEAP Method" and cookbooks 20 mins after completing your purchase. 

The printed cookbooks will reach you in the mail within 1 week.

Select the Printed or eBook Only Version of the "4-Step LEAP Method" + Cookbooks + Bonuses

PLUS if you order today you'll also get these bonuses:

FREE Digital Bonus #1:

20 x Fat Burning Snacks

Whether you're a busy professional looking for quick, energy-boosting pick-me-up... or are eager to lose weight  without sacrificing taste... this cookbook is packed with fat burning snacks you'll love. 

The recipes include Chocolate Brownie Date Balls, Pizza Sausage Rolls, Creamy Greek Yogurt Parfait and crunchy Edamame Hummus and Veggies.

Try these recipes and discover how eating high-protein, low-carb snacks can help you feel energized and satisfied, while losing lots of weight.

Digital Version ONLY - Delivered by Email

Download as eBooks to your mobile, tablet or computer

Digital copies you can access immediately

Get started on the "4-Step LEAP Method" today!

Your Price: $17

Print Version - Mailed to Your Door

Fresh copies of the 3 books printed and delivered to your door

Get printed recipes to flick through and cookbooks to hold in your hand

You also get digital versions by email + daily email support 

Your Price: $27

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FREE Digital Bonus #4:

20 x Slow Cooker Recipes

From classic favorites like Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo and Beef and Radish Soup to unique offerings such as Pork and Kimchi Stew...

These quick and easy dishes combine fresh ingredients in a single pot...

Creating flavorful, well-balanced meals perfect for any occasion.

By focusing on low-carb ingredients like vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats...

These slow cooker recipes help prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes, improve energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

They also aid in weight management by emphasizing whole, unprocessed ingredients and limiting carbs.

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FREE Digital Bonus #5:

20 x Soups and Broth Recipes

Each soup and broth recipe is crafted using wholesome, natural ingredients that are low in carbs and rich in protein, making them perfect for a healthy blood sugar lifestyle. 

These easy-to-prepare recipes are perfect for busy weeknights or as a soothing and rejuvenating meal any time of day. 

From comforting classics like Chicken and Vegetable Soup to unique flavor combinations like Salmon and Cauliflower Chowder...

This cookbook offers a wide variety of options to keep your taste buds satisfied and your body nourished.

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Email me any time in the next 180 days for a full refund. You can still keep the cookbooks and all the bonuses.

Email me any time in the next 180 days to get a refund. You still get to keep the cookbooks and all the bonuses.

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